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Cool Carrots:

Serving Size: ½ cup

Superpower: Carrots help keep your EYES healthy!

How?: Carrots are rich in something called BETA-CAROTENE which can be changed to Vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A helps keep your eyes in good health, helps protect your eyes from the rays of the sun, and lowers your chances of eye problems in the future.


Spectacular Sweet Potatoes:

Serving size: one medium sweet potato

Superpower: Sweet and filling without spiking your blood sugar too high!

Just like orange carrots, sweet potatoes have a huge amount of Vitamin A in a single serving…in this case almost 400% of your daily need! They are also rich in vitamin C to boost your immune system.


Brilliant Brussel Sprouts

Serving Size: 1 cup cooked

Superpower: Antioxidant POWERHOUSE

What are antioxidants? They are special tools in the body that help keep your cells healthy.

One study showed that when volunteers ate about 2 cups a day, the damage at their cellular level was reduced by 30%! (

Brussel Sprouts are also very high in fiber which means your body can go to the bathroom and get rid of waste more easily


Mighty Mangos

Serving Size: 1 cup sliced

Superpower: Potassium

Many people think of bananas when they are looking for extra potassium, but its MANGOS we should be seeking! They have about 564 mg per mango….a great percentage of a child’s daily value

Super Foods!


Amazing Avocados:

Serving size: 1 small avocado (100g)

Superpower: a HEALTHY fat!

How can fat be healthy you ask? Believe it or not you need GOOD fat to help your body function properly. Your brain needs fat to help it think clearly and quickly.

Avocados are rich in this good fat. They keep you fuller longer because of that. They also have fiber in them to help satiate your appetite so you won’t want to snack as much in between meals.

They contain 20 vitamins and minerals….that’s amazing!!


Bold Broccoli:

Serving size: 1 cup

Superpower: Vitamin C Power!

Did you know that by eating just 1 cup of broccoli you get ALL the vitamin C your body needs for the day??

Broccoli is also higher in protein than most vegetables and still high in FIBER as well.

It is a good source of something called FOLATE, which helps your tissue growth and cell function.


Terrific Tomatoes:

Serving size: 1 small tomato

Superpower: Major dietary source of the antioxidant: LYCOPENE

What is lycopene? It is a nutrient that has been linked to many healthy benefits in the body including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.

Tomatoes are also a great source of Vitamin C, potassium, folate and Vitamin K
They can be cooked and used in SO many different ways for so many different meals!!


Super Spinach:

Serving Size: 1 cup

Superpower: Magnesium

Spinach is rich in magnesium which your body needs for energy metabolism, maintaining muscle, and nerve function, regular heart rhythm, and healthy immune system, and maintaining blood pressure.

This dark, leafy green veggie, can also help people with diabetes in several ways including helping to lower glucose levels and increase insulin sensitivity.